

Gender issues are at the forefront of our culture today, from same-sex marriage to pay equity to human rights. There are gendered aspects to most every topic, which is why a minor in women’s and gender studies (WGS) will complement any North Park major, 包括 历史, 业务, 沟通, 教育, 神学, 护理美术和文科.

Focused attention in women’s and gender studies will prepare you to work for an organization that addresses women’s issues or consult for a 业务 or government body that needs expertise in such gender-related issues as pay equity, 性骚扰, and equal employment opportunities in several fields, 包括法律, 医学, 教学, 社会工作, 教育, 和其他人. Your minor will provide additional confidence if you want to pursue a career in a male-dominated field.

The WGS minor offers a complete look at the 历史, impact, and current issues of gender. An introductory class will examine societal issues of health and sexuality, 媒体, 环境, 家庭, 工作, 暴力, 和犯罪. Other courses span women’s 历史 to contemporary 女权主义, bringing in multicultural perspectives and focusing on specific topics, 比如性别暴力, 正义, 以及全球妇女问题.


The WGS program will advance students’ understanding about women, 女权主义, and gender—and to bring the discussion to the whole North Park community through campus engagement projects. The curriculum seeks to encourage students’ commitment to the pursuit of 正义 for women and men through political and social activism, 志愿服务机会, 以及他们选择的职业.

澳门网络博彩游戏, WGS students direct campus-wide discussions for the Fall Focus on Gender and Women’s History Month by planning events, 邀请演讲者, facilitating panel and roundtable discussions, and conducting service-learning projects in conjunction with 芝加哥-area organizations of their choice. With the city’s considerable number of non-profit agencies, students have connected with a wide range of organizations that address topics like global 教育, 公平贸易, 无家可归者收容所, 和印第安妇女.

Classes also explore issues of faith and women in Christian and non-Christian religions, 检查, 例如, Biblical interpretation and misinterpretation of women’s issues, 穆斯林家庭暴力vs. American culture, and female genital mutilation as religious tradition.


To meet the requirements for the WGS minor, students must complete:

  • 20个学期的课程
  • 一个投资组合, 提交给项目主席, 这包括自我评估, reflection on their 教育al experiences, and samples of work from each completed course.

This minor is not a standalone program; students must complete a 全日制本科专业 at North Park in order to graduate from the University.

了解更多关于 WGS program requirements and view course offerings.


课程由博士讲授. 玛格丽特·哈伊弗纳, director of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program and professor of 沟通 arts/媒体 studies. “Gender is on our culture’s front burner. It’s relevant to everybody personally, whether they know it or not,” she says of this discipline. “Usually one of the most surprising things for students is how relevant it is to them.”

了解更多关于博士. 哈伊弗纳.